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Khoá Học IELTS Cho Người Mới Bắt Đầu

2022-08-27 |    0

IELTS courses for beginners

Why choose IELTS for beginners courses at Fast Language?

1. Being more confident. Your students will immerse themselves in the 100% English-speaking environment during class time. Our interactive teaching & learning approach will help the students learn English naturally and effortlessly; consequently, they become more confident in using English after 3 to 6 months. 
2. An effective learning method. Adult learners are usually busy, they want to make the most out of their time. The one-on-one class at Fast Language allows the students to collaborate more effectively with the teachers, each student is accompanied by a dedicated teacher; in other words, the effective time for each session is 45 mins, much higher than the shared time 10 - 15 mins commonly seen in group classes.  
3. Practical learning topics. The students will learn how to be well-rounded in speaking English with our comprehensive curriculums covering both life and workplace topics.    
4. Qualified Teachers. Fast Language Teachers are passionate, professional, and experienced. For adult students, we purposely nominate senior teachers so that each learning session is not just about academic lessons but also about life experience sharing.
5. Well-recognized textbooks. Selective curriculums by Cobuild (Collins), Pearson Longman, Cambridge, Oxford.
6. Reasonable tuition fee. High automation allows Fast Language to provide students with quality education at more affordable rates.
7. Ease of payment. Fast Language offers >= 10-lesson packages (~ VND 1 M), which is much more affordable than the immediate payment of >= 10 M as usual.  
8. On-demand services. In specific cases, Fast Language considers offering add-on services e.g. Vietnamese teaching assistant, specialized textbooks e.g. English in hospitality industry, English for legal professionals, English in Engineering & Construction, English in job interviews, etc. Note that additional fees may be applied for such personalized requests

Course design

  • Age: Students from 15-year old

  • Indicative course length: 3 classes/week, 45 mins/class (Students are allowed to book 10 lessons per package)   

In general, students can see initial improvement after 3 months. Fast Language provides recordings of the first and the last classes for student self-assessment, also to double-check with the assessment by teachers. In customary, a 6-mth learning time is required to achieve visible learning accomplishment.    

As per Cambridge’s study, average learning time for transformation between each band score is 200 hours. Students would need around 1000 hours (or 1 year) to reach band 6.0 assuming that he/she invests 3 hours daily on learning IELTS. 

What is IELTS?

IELTS is an international English certificate measuring four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with band scores ranging from 0.0 to 9.0. It should be noted that there is no "Failed” or "Passed” in EILTS exams, depending on specific use of the certificate, students can set their learning goals accordingly. 

Without solid foundation skills in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, students may be overwhelmed by this comprehensive test. The recommendations below could be helpful for those who are new to IELTS:

IELTS for beginners

1. To evaluate your English level

You can take the entrance test provided by Fast Language. We will then advise you on your current level and a learning pathway to accomplish your target band score.

2. To determine the right IELTS module

Why do you need to choose the appropriate module? Depending on your specific use of the certificate, you can either follow General IELTS or Academic IELTS. In general, Academic module is designed for overseas learning and business while General module is for vocational study and overseas resettlement. Notwithstanding, there is little difference in organizing tests between the two modules.

Recommended Curriculum
I. Grammar 

1. Grammar in Use 

This textbook provides comprehensive grammar lessons from elementary to advanced. The lessons are designed in a user-friendly manner, suited for a majority of students. In addition to the theory, this textbook also offers assignments to enhance English syntax.


2. Grammar for IELTS

Grammar for IELTS by Cambridge is one of the most widely used textbooks in most IELTS language centers. It is specially designed for IELTS learners, likewise, it covers from the lowest band to the highest one.

II. Vocabulary

1. Vocabulary for IELTS

As aforementioned, vocabulary is one of the three pillars of learning IELTS. Every single skill is associated with vocabulary at a certain level; moreover, to improve your band score, you may need to demonstrate your ability to use advanced vocabularies. Similarly, this is also a for-IELTS-exam textbook that is recommended for all students.


III. Pronunciation

1. English Pronunciation in Use

This textbook is designed for elementary and intermediate levels. Pronunciation is especially important in speaking. This book provides students with pair-sound practices, and pronunciation exercises with single word, phrase, sentence, and paragraph. The book is recommended for all students. Not kist IELTS learners.


IV. IELTS Collections

1. Get Ready for IELTS

This collection is suited for IELTS learners from beginner to intermediate levels, it covers not only 4 fundamental skills but also grammar and vocabulary.


2. Complete IELTS

As its name indicates, this is a comprehensive IELTS collection. The textbook covers 10 common IELTS topics.


V. Practice test

1 . Cambridge Practice Test

This collection simulates the real IELTS exams and is widely used by plenty of IELTS language centers. Each book consists of 4 tests reflecting the change in IELTS exams from time to time.



VI. Special editions to improve four English skills

1. Collins for IELTS

This collection comprises 4 textbooks at different levels.



2. IELTS Advantage Skills

This collection is specially designed for students from band 7.0, consisting of 3 textbooks: IELTS Advantage Writing Skills, IELTS Advantage Reading Skills, and IELTS Advantage Speaking & Listening Skills.




These courses are recommended to students from intermediate level. For those who struggle in using complete simple sentences in expressing their thoughts but want to pursue IELTS certificates, please kindly inform Fast Language upon registration so that we can further advise you with a more personalized learning journey.